Technical Diary of a Dummy

Thoughts and Opinions that will live on after they have vacated my brain.

AWS Tips and Tricks -

James Land - 01 Feb 2024


Doing an install of ARO Red Hat Openshift using Terraform and wanted to capture some of the items I am learning navigating Azure. It is similar but pretty different than AWS.

Change Subscriptions

If you have multiple subscriptions in the same account you can change your subscription with:

az account set --subscription <name or id>

And you can see your current subscription with:

az account show


If your service has a public IP address you can update your DNS pretty quickly by choosing using the Azure Resource alias type and choosing Azure resource

Service Principle

Finding SPs seem to be a pain in the butt! Best way I found is if you know the ID of the SP then you can search for it and find the specific object.


After a fresh install this command can be used to retrieve the kubeadmin password

AROPASS=$(az aro list-credentials --name $AZR_CLUSTER --resource-group $AZR_RESOURCE_GROUP -o tsv --query kubeadminPassword)