Technical Diary of a Dummy

Thoughts and Opinions that will live on after they have vacated my brain.

Home Server Tips and Tricks -

James Land - 22 Mar 2021

My Current Setup

Since I recently upgraded the CPU in my personal desktop I found myself with almost enough parts to build out a small personal homeserver, just needed to get a Power Supply and a Case.

Going to use this page to relay how I fixed some of the hardships I found during my initial setup.


Current Operating System: Fedora Server 33 Cloud Softwrae: Code Ready Workspaces


CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz Memory: –8Gi– 16Gi (Script did ) Hard Dreive: 1.8TB HHD

Setting Up WiFI

In order to get my wifi boradband chip working, here are the steps I took.

  1. Find Latest Stable Release from RPM Fusion Nonfree rpm :

  2. Install rpmfusion-nonfree-release-stable rpm:

rpm -Uvh rpmfusion-nonfree-release-stable*rpm
  1. Install Kmod-wl driver
    sudo dnf install kmod-wl
  2. Install wpa_supplicant
dnf install wpa_supplicant
  1. Reboot

  2. At this point nmcli sould show our wifi connection as disconnected

  3. Manual connection initially:

    • Turn on wifi radio nmcli r wifi on

    • Find avalible networks nmcli d wifi list

    • Connect to network nmcli device wifi <SSID> password <PASSWORD>

    • Test with a basic curl or whatever

  4. Automagic connection on boot:

    • Add the following file to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<DEVICE_NAME>


* Create a key-<DEVICE_NAME> in the same folder


homeserver linux