Technical Diary of a Dummy

Thoughts and Opinions that will live on after they have vacated my brain.

ArgoCD on Openshift - HelloWorld -

James Land - 26 Jan 2021

ArgoCD on Openshift - HelloWorld

Deploying ArgoCD to the cluster (Operator)

For my first deploy I am just going to use the Red Hat provided Operator on Openshift, but will include direct install instructions

  1. Deploy With Operator Deploy that with Operator Hub -> ArgoCD I used default settings and named my deployment argocd

Inside the Operator create a new ArgoCD

  1. Deploy with direct install
    oc apply -f

Create a passthrough route (change service name as needed):

oc create route passthrough argocd --service=argocd-server --port=https --insecure-policy=Redirect

Password is stored in cluster level secret secret/argocd-cluster -> admin.password

Deploy Application to ArgoCD

Connect Helm Repo

This is required for my personal release.

  1. Click Manage your repositories, projects, settings (The gear on the left)

  2. Click Repositories

  3. Click Connect Repo Using HTTPS

    • Type - helm
    • Name - bitnami
    • Repository URL -

Deploy the application

  1. Click New App
    • Application Name - jboss-application
    • Project - Default
    • Sync Policy - Manual
    • Sync Options - Check Use a schema to validate resource manifest
    • Repository URL -
    • Revision - argocd
    • Cluster URL - https://kubernetes.default.svc (local cluster)
    • Namespace - argo-managed-example
  2. Click Create Note That HELM section exist now at the bottom, and contains a list of parameters.

Sync up our repositories

Now we just want to have argo actually deploy our application.

First we need to let the argo service account have access to the argo-managed-example namespace, for this demo we are just going to give it admin:

 oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin -z argocd-application-controller

Now we just need to sync up by clicking the sync button.\

Notes and thoughts based on my first experience

Pretty impressed at how easy it was to get argoCD to get set up. Also neat how the UI view is able to both identify all the resources and show how they are connected. I.E. It shows the DeploymentConfig created a ReplicationController that created the Pod

Follow up questions

So it seems like the Pipeline and DeploymentConfig keep falling out of sync.

Not sure why the pipeline would go out of sync, but the DC I assume is because we are deploying to it directly from the pipeline. Probably need to do more research on the best way to manage this.

openshift kubernetes operators helloworld