Technical Diary of a Dummy

Thoughts and Opinions that will live on after they have vacated my brain.

Creating a Tekton pipeline with a Dynamic Task List -

James Land - 04 Jan 2022

Happy New Year!!! :boom:


When creating a tekton pipeline one trick I have found particularly useful especially in application pipelines is the ability to create “Dynamic Task”. By this I mean allowing the users of your pipelines to specify which task they want run.

Now if this is limited to just a single task the logic is trivial, simply surround the task by an if or with and allow the user to set myTask.enabled, but what happens if we introduce a myTask2 directly after myTask? Now we need to account for the possibility to myTask existing or not which makes thinks more complicated. Fortunately there is a pretty simple fix for this just by adding a “lastTask” variable to keep track of the last task that was run.


We have a three task that we want to run in a sequential order: - rootTask - optionalTask1 - optionalTask2

optionalTask1 and optionalTask2 should as their name suggest be optional. Meaning we could modify our pipeline to just run rootTask and optionalTask2 with the following values.yaml file

    enabled: false
    enabled: true
kind: Pipeline
  name: my-pipeline
  - name: rootTask
      name: root-task
      kind: Task
    # The `lastTask` variable will represent the last task that was run
    {{- $lastTask := "rootTask" }}
  # You may want some additional logic incase `optionalTask` does not exist
  {{- if .Values.optionalTask1.enabled }}
  - name: optionalTask1
      name: optional-task-1
      - {{ $lastTask }}
    {{- $lastTask = "optionalTask1"}}
  {{- end }}
  {{- if .Values.optionalTask2.enabled }}
  - name: optionalTask2
      name: optional-task-2
      - {{ $lastTask }}
    {{- $lastTask = "optionalTask2"}}
  {{- end }}
  # Adding any more task from here should be a copy and paste of the above logic.
tekton openshift pipelines cicd